Dedicated to my grandmother
Hade föressten nationella det gick bra!
Ni behöver verkligen inte läsa men ni får er en funderare om ni läser den. Handla om min döda mormor som dog när jag var 3
Life after death
What happens when we die? Is there a heaven? Do we cross over to the "other side" and meet our dead relatives? Or maybe we reborn and get a new life. But maybe we just die and nothing else happens.
Over the years this has been one of the biggest questions. To think about what happens after our death. Many people who have had a "near death experience" tell about how they could see down on themselves and see their own body lying dead. Some people say that they met dead relatives while they were "gone" and they also felt very happy; a few have also said they saw beautiful colours. Is this true or are they just confused when they wake up from their "near death experiences"?
Another theory is that you reborn and become a new person. But in a couple of religions they believe that if you have lived your life well, you get rewarded in your next life and become a higher power or perhaps a religious person. If you have lived your life bad or not as good as you could have, you can become a worm, a snake or something else like that.
Maybe there is a spiritual world and all of our relatives can decide if they want to go to heaven. If they are in heaven now they may be watching us from heaven together with God right now, and guarding us. Perhaps they're waiting for us to arrive.
This is some of the theories that people believe in around the world. What's my view of this subject?
I'm a bit indecisive about this and I don't know which theory to believe. But I think I believe the spiritual version most because it sounds more likely and I have had some personal experience in the "spiritual world" Because I've played a game called Ouija. In Swedish we call it "Anden I glaset" and sometimes it has happened very scary things.
Once we got contact with a spirit and at first he was very kind and answered questions like he was supposed to (In Ouija you have all the letters in the alphabet and you have a glass and the glass is supposed to move over the letters to form words). But after a while he started to say mean things to my friend Lovisa. He said that she was stupid and he also said that Isabelle was mean. We just laughed at him and started to ask questions about him. In Ouija you're not aloud to do that, ask the spirits questions, but we asked him anyway and he answered. His name was Amadeus. We also asked him if he were kind. He answered "I'm bad" and that was all we needed to hear and none of us stayed, all of us blew out the candles you use in Ouija and we ran out of the room.
So yes, I believe in spirits. It has happened too many things to me, to not believe that there is some sort of spiritual activity around us and sometimes I feel like someone is watching me but I've also had good experiences. I feel like I have a guardian angel and when I'm sad I sometimes feel like someone is talking to me and say that everything is going to be alright, and I feel a sudden calm.
My grandmother died when I was three years old and sometimes I feel like she's here protecting me. Sometimes, I think she's my guardian angel.
So now you know what I believe, what do you believe? There's nothing wrong or right and I think no one ever can prove what really happens. We'll find out when we die. Until then, believe in what you think sounds most likely. I also hope there is a heaven and that my grandmother is up there right now and that she is happy.
This article was dedicated to my grandmother Ingrid Källberg.
1936 - 1997

får jag bara säga att du har en grymt fin blogg! vad använder du för grund-design ? :)
Jadå det har jag, själv då? hoppas du fortsätter läsa min blogg!
Det är skumt det där med döden verkligen. Jag vill tro att man hamnar i himlen, eller att man återföds som någon annan. Men man vet inte förrän man kommer dit.
aw tack & godnatt :>
sv: tack! och ledsen för din mormor ;/
sv: hehe okej, den har bara varit bra :)
hehe okej, plutt ;) nej jag skojjar med dig. haha jag är sexton så fyller snart sjutton :)
Ja gud ja! tänk när man kan springa ut i bara linne och kjol och bara njuta va livet :D
åh gud va fint du skrev! skumade bara men det var fint gumman:s, haha jag är bara ärlig. godnatt gumman!:)
Bra att nationella gick bra! :)
sv: Tack..:) Engelskan gick bra men jag är tveksam på No:n
SV: Tja det är ju morgon nu men den här dagen blir nog bra hoppas jag ;)
fint <3
jaaa hihi :) händer idag ? =) <3
Vilket av alternativen valde du på np:t då? :)
Taack <3
ja visst är det great? =)